How do I uninstall Covenant Eyes on an iPhone®?

  • Updated

If you previously set up Screen Time on the iPhone® or iPad®, you may need to turn off Screen Time's Content & Privacy Restrictions to uninstall Covenant Eyes and restore apps (like Safari® and the App Store®).

Uninstall Covenant Eyes

  1. Find Covenant Eyes on the iPhone® or iPad®’s home screen and slightly push down on the Covenant Eyes app icon.
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  2. Tap “Remove App.” 

    If you don't see the "Remove App" option, Screen Time's Content & Privacy Restrictions are preventing you from uninstalling Covenant Eyes. Turn off Content & Privacy Restrictions and then return to this article.

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  3. Tap “Delete.” The Covenant Eyes app will disappear from your home screen. You successfully uninstalled Covenant Eyes.
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