Check the Username
If another member on your account is signed into Covenant Eyes on the iPhone®, the phone's activity will appear on the other member's Check-in or Activity Feed.
- Open the Covenant Eyes app menu to view or switch what username is signed into Covenant Eyes.
Check the Covenant Eyes Version
- It's best to keep the Covenant Eyes app up-to-date, so you have the latest features and bug fixes.
- Check the app version on the iPhone® and, if necessary, update it.
Check Safari
- With the newest version of Covenant Eyes, Safari must be on in Screen Time (Apple's device controls) so we can screen-capture browsing activity.
- If It isn't, Safari will be missing from the iPhone® home screen, and there will be no screenshots in your Activity Feed or Check-in.
- Refer to our Screen Time article to check Safari and ensure it's on.
Check for Conflicts
Here are things that can conflict with Covenant Eyes on an iPhone®:
Content Restrictions: A specific setting in Screen Time, Content Restrictions, allows you to set an app age limit for the App Store®. Apps must be set to 17+ for Covenant Eyes to run on the iPhone®.
VPN: If you install an app with a VPN or use a VPN for work, it will conflict with Covenant Eyes. Other VPNs conflict with Covenant Eyes because we run a VPN-like process in the background of your iPhone®.
Mobile Device Manager (MDM): If you installed an app that uses an MDM or if your employer manages your device via an MDM, it will conflict with Covenant Eyes. To check for an MDM on your device:
1. Open the Settings app on the iPhone®.
2. Tap "General."
3. Scroll down and tap "Profile."
4. If you have an MDM, you'll see its name on the screen.
- Monitoring Apps: Other monitoring, filtering, and parental control apps may conflict with Covenant Eyes and cause gaps in reporting. Remove such apps to prevent problems with Covenant Eyes.