How do I uninstall Covenant Eyes on an Android™?

Sydney W.
Sydney W.
  • Updated
  1. Open the Covenant Eyes app on the Android™ device.

  2. Tap "Settings."
    CE Android app - settings.png
  3. Tap "Uninstall."
    CE Android app - uninstall.png
  4. Tap "Yes" to confirm you want to uninstall.
    Uninstall ce android app 1.png
  5. Tap "OK" to uninstall Covenant Eyes.
    Uninstall ce android app 2.png
  6. Tap "Uninstall app" on the Activate device admin app? screen.
    Uninstall ce android app 3.png
  7. Tap "OK" to confirm you want to uninstall. The Covenant Eyes app will remove itself from your device.
    Uninstall ce android app 4.png
  8. You'll see a confirmation message that Covenant Eyes was uninstalled. Uninstall ce android app 5.png

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