Subscription & Payment
How do I cancel my subscription?
Only the Account Admin can cancel a Covenant Eyes subscription. While we're sad to see you go, w...
How do I upgrade to a Lifetime Membership?
Before You Begin A Lifetime Membership allows you to purchase Covenant Eyes for the rest of yo...
How do I update my credit or debit card information?
Only the Account Admin can update the credit or debit card information in Victory Online. Tap ...
How do I pay an overdue balance?
Only the Account Admin (Admin) can pay an overdue balance online; just follow the instructions b...
How do I change my subscription's billing frequency?
Before You Begin Only the Account Admin (Admin) can change a subscription's billing frequency ...
How do I download my invoices and receipts?
Only the Account Admin can view and download invoices and receipts in Victory Online. Tap this...
How do I change the billing email address?
Only the Account Admin can change the billing email address in Victory Online. Tap this link t...
How do I Refer a Friend to Covenant Eyes?
Before You Begin Only the Account Admin can access the Personal Referral Link in Victory Onlin...
Why is my credit or debit card declining as do_not_honor?
When your card fails to process a Covenant Eyes payment for an unknown reason, you may see a do_...
Why did Covenant Eyes charge me twice in one month?
Outstanding Invoice An outstanding invoice means you have an overdue balance. If you have an ov...
I have a legacy Personal Subscription. Should I upgrade?
Before You Begin The Personal Subscription is not available to new members. This article only ...
I'm an ally. How do I subscribe to Covenant Eyes?
This article will show allies and others how to upgrade their free accounts and subscribe to Cov...
How do I restart my subscription?
Before You Begin Permissions: Only the Account Admin (Admin) can restart a canceled subscript...
How will Covenant Eyes appear on my bank statement?
Subscription charges from Covenant Eyes will always include our name on your bank statement. Ho...
I subscribed via in-app purchase. How do I cancel my subscription?
If you subscribe to Covenant Eyes via in-app purchase on your Apple or Android™ device, Covenant...
I uninstalled Covenant Eyes. Why is Covenant Eyes still charging me for a subscription?
Uninstalling Covenant Eyes on your devices does not cancel your subscription. You must contact C...