People & Relationships
Learn how to manage Account Admin, Ally, & Filter Guardian relationships
What's an Account Admin?
The Account Admin (Admin) is in charge of the entire account and everyone on the account. About ...
How do I add an Account Admin?
Before You Begin Only the Account Admin (Admin) can add new Admins. If the person you want to...
How do I remove an Account Admin?
Before You Begin Only Account Admins (Admins) can remove other Admins. Every account must hav...
What's an ally?
An ally is a mentor or sponsor who holds a member accountable by reviewing their activity with t...
How do I add an ally?
Before You Begin This article shows members how to invite an ally with a unique ally link via ...
How do I accept an ally or Filter Guardian email invitation?
Before You Begin Invitation Method: Filter Guardians (Guardians) and allies can receive invit...
How do I remove an ally?
Before You Begin At any point in time, all members can remove themselves from being an ally fo...
What's a Filter Guardian?
Only the Account Admin (Admin) can add Filter Guardians for members. A Filter Guardian controls ...
How do I add a Filter Guardian?
Before You Begin Only Account Admins (Admins) can invite a Filter Guardian (Guardian) with a u...
How do I add an ally or Filter Guardian for a member?
Before You Begin Only the Account Admin (Admin) can add Filter Guardians for members by sendin...
How do I remove a Filter Guardian?
Before You Begin Account Admins (Admins) cannot remove other Filter Guardians (Guardians) for...
What's a member?
A member is someone that subscribes to Covenant Eyes so they can overcome porn. About Members ...
How do I add a member?
Only the Account Admin (Admin) can add new members. Open the Victory app on your phone or table...
How do I remove a member?
Only the Account Admin can remove members (users). Open the Victory app on your phone or tablet...