Before You Begin
- The timezone you select for your profile in Victory dictates activity (e.g., screenshot) timestamps [exception: activity timestamps from Android™ devices are controlled by the device's time].
- If no timezone is chosen in Victory, the default timezone is Eastern.
Update Timezone
- Open the Victory app on your phone or tablet and enter your username and password to sign in.
- Tap "Account."
- Tap "Edit my info."
If you're an Admin & want to update a member's timezone on your account...
Under Other members on my account, tap the person's name, tap "Edit their info," and proceed to step #4.
- Scroll down and select your desired timezone from the Timezone drop-down menu.
If your timezone uses Daylight Savings Time, tap the box next to "Observes Daylight Saving Time."
You'll see a confirmation message. You're all set!