Profile Info & Password
Update your email address, phone number, name, & password
How do I reset my password?
Tap this link if you forgot your password and need to reset it. Type in your username, email ...
How do I update my timezone?
Before You Begin The timezone you select for your profile in Victory dictates activity (e.g., ...
How do I recover my username?
Tap this link if you forgot your username and need to recover it. Type in your email address ...
How do I update my email address?
Open the Victory app on your phone or tablet and enter your username and password to sign in. ...
How do I update my name?
Open the Victory app on your phone or tablet and enter your username and password to sign in. ...
How do I update my phone number?
Open the Victory app on your phone or tablet and enter your username and password to sign in. ...
How do I update my security question and answer?
Before You Begin The Account Admin (Admin) cannot view or change the security question or answ...