How do I install Covenant Eyes on a Windows computer?
Before You Begin Compatibility: Covenant Eyes’ Windows software is compatible with Windows 7,...
How do I uninstall Covenant Eyes on a Windows computer?
About Uninstalling You need an Uninstall Code to uninstall Covenant Eyes on a Windows computer...
How much space does Covenant Eyes use on a Windows computer?
The initial download of the Covenant Eyes Windows software is 115 MB, but you’ll need around 500...
How do I know if Covenant Eyes is working properly on a Windows computer?
Check Your Home Screen You should see the Covenant Eyes eye icon at the bottom of the screen (ne...
How do I find the operating system version on a Windows computer?
Covenant Eyes is compatible with Windows computers that have Windows 7 or newer. Right-click on...
Why can't I sign into Covenant Eyes on a Windows computer at a coffee shop, hotel, or airport?
To use a public network, you must accept the network's terms & conditions page and sign in to Co...
How do I switch the Covenant Eyes user on a Windows computer?
We notate when someone switches the Covenant Eyes user in the Activity Feed, and it triggers a T...
Why can't I get online on a Windows computer?
You may not be able to get online on a Windows computer with Covenant Eyes for multiple reasons....
Is my antivirus program compatible with Covenant Eyes on a Windows computer?
Covenant Eyes is compatible with most AV programs on Windows! At this time, these are the only k...
How do I use Covenant Eyes on a shared Windows computer?
If multiple people share one computer profile on a Windows computer, everyone's activity will be...
How do I check the Covenant Eyes software version number on a Windows computer?
Click on the arrow (^) in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. Right-click on the Coven...
How do I change my Windows computer's name?
This article will show how to change a Windows computer's name with the newest Windows operating...
Release Notes for Windows
Windows 9.2.82 Released May 14, 2024 Changed the software update text Improved filter stability...
Release Notes for Windows Beta
Windows Beta 9.0.43 Released August 27, 2021 Improved remote logging and telemetry capabilities...