How do I cancel my subscription?

  • Updated

Only the Account Admin can cancel a Covenant Eyes subscription.

While we're sad to see you go, we are happy to celebrate with you if it means that you or the person you are helping found Victory from pornography!

Contact Member Care

Please get in touch with Member Care during our service hours to cancel your subscription. We're open Monday – Friday, 9 AM – 5:15 PM (ET). We're closed on Saturday & Sunday.

  1. Contact Member Care during our service hours.
  2. We'll quickly connect you to a Member Care Agent. (We don't have any call menus or long wait times!)
  3. Inform the agent that you want to cancel, and they will assist you!
  4. Remember to uninstall Covenant Eyes from your iPhone®, Android™, Mac®, and Windows devices.

If you subscribed to Covenant Eyes via in-app purchase on your Apple or Android™ device and want to cancel, please read I subscribed via in-app purchase. How do I cancel my subscription?

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