This article applies to older accounts that deliver activity via email. The free Victory app provides 24/7 reporting. It is standard for all new accounts and available to all older accounts.
The subject line is a concise summary of the member's device activity. There are four possible subject lines:
Check-in is ready.
This subject line means we detected activity and didn't detect any Highlighted Activity or Explicit Screenshots:
- Covenant Eyes didn't detect any Explicit Screenshots (pornographic screenshots) on the member's devices.
- The ally may want to congratulate the member on a good Check-in.
Check-in is ready with highlighted activity.
This subject line means we detected device activity or usage that we want the ally to examine. Here are all the items that we may highlight for the ally:
- Device Inactive
- Highlighted Activity Screenshots
- Likely-Explicit DNS Connection (iPhone® only)
- Service Interruption (Mac® only)
- Switched Covenant Eyes User
- Unmonitored Activity (Android™ only)
Review activity in check-in!
This subject line means we detected an Explicit Screenshot or a Covenant Eyes Uninstall on the member's device(s):
Device Activity Missing
This subject line means one or more of the following:
- The report has no screenshots because the member didn't use their devices.
- There are not any iOS DNS domains.
- We couldn't take screenshots on the member's devices because the Covenant Eyes software is outdated.
- For more information, read What does a Device Activity Missing report mean?